

Vegetarians and vegans who wish to feed their dog vegetarian food can feed them Yarrah.

Even dogs that have particular food allergies, for example for animal products or proteins, can benefit from Yarrah Vega. Yarrah does not make complete vegetarian cat food. Cats are unable to produce taurine by themselves* and taurine is derived from organic ox gall. It can be made synthetically, but it is then not organic.
The main ingredients of vegetarian animal feed are grains (wheat and corn), derivatives of vegetable origin (sunflower seeds and wheat semolina) and soy beans. All Yarrah products are sourced from certified, organic farmers.
Animals (and plants) are unable to produce B12 (cobalamin) themselves. This is, however, an essential element of dogs' daily requirements. A shortage of B12 can lead to a type of anemia (macrocytic anemia) or neurological problems. Yarrah therefore adds B12 so that dogs ingest enough of it.

It is a myth that dogs need meat and that it is cruel to deprive them of meat. Yarrah vegetarian feed is a high quality dog food on which dogs can get just as old as those who are fed on meat-based feed. A case in point: an English collie, Bramble, lived to 27 years old on an entirely vegetarian diet. Furthermore, the percentage of meat that the average manufacturer adds to kibble is often so small that there is very little meat: 4% is no exception.
To bind the kibble, Yarrah only uses vegetable oils and does not add artificial scent or taste/ There is also absolutely no sugar added to the feed.

Every two years, Yarrah's quality control inspector does an inspection tour of all suppliers. He can see for himself that all the regulations governing organic raw materials are adhered to.

* like all carnivores; this being an unequivocal proof, which, on the other side, is not the case with dogs. (Author's Notes)

NOTA: No es una compañía de elaboración y comercialización de alimento para perros y gatos interesada en el tipo de pienso vegetariano/vegano para perros, esto es, partidista o parcial en sus opiniones y argumentos, puesto que también vende piensos que contienen carne animal (ternera, pollo, pavo y pescado), ecológico, pero carne de explotación animal... Pero como todo, es una cuestión de actitud en la vida. La elección es decisión de cada cual en último término.

Yarrah uses major and minor ingredients. Our major ingredients:

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