
Freya and the Fox

Algunos estudiosos han vinculado las tradiciones (including hares and eggs) e iconografía de Eostre y la diosa nórdica Freyja o Frigg o Freya, otra divinidad de la primavera, la fertilidad, el renacimiento de la vida después del invierno. En 1972, John Andrew Boyle escribió: "animals, it is true, which like hares [which have been suggested to carry the lights of Eostre, as a goddess of the dawn, and have not been associated with Freyja] were the familiars of witches, with whom Freyja seems to have much in common." (witches and foxes. Kitsune-tsakai)

Ostara: el regreso de la diosa Eostre, Samanta Vega.

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