
Fox Wisdom or Medicine

The Cherokees, Hopi and various other Native American Indian tribes believed in its healing power, the Apache credited the fox with giving man fire. 

Fox is amongst the most uniquely skilled and ingenious animals of nature. Being a night creature, fox is often imbued with supernatural powers. Foxes are usually seen at dawn and dusk. Dusk starts off their day, and the dawn is its ending. This is the time, when the world of magic and our every day realities cross paths. Foxes live on the edges of forests and open lands, the border areas. As fox is an animal of the between times and places, it can be a guide into the faerie realm. Fox has a long past of magic and cunning associated with it. It can move in and out of circumstance restoring order or causing confusion, depending on the occasion. 
Fox can also show you that your actions may be too obvious and the need to learn to be more discreet. Fox is a wise, potent, teacher for those who choose to live conscious and deliberate lives. 

Due to their ability to blend into their surroundings, foxes are generally viewed as sly and cunning beings. The ability to camouflage can be deduced as being able to take a step back and view an interpersonal situation with detachment. This includes opening up the less obvious senses, such as intuition. 

Often the underlying basis of a situation may seem obvious, but instead of making a quick judgment, listen closely to the outer and inner senses. Then you may perhaps get a completely different picture of what is going on. When it comes to handling people, while their words may be saying one thing, their body language may be saying something else. When the outer situation and the inner senses don't match it is wise to handle like a Fox, to trust ones intuition/instinct/inner voice, and to lay low. 

Fox can teach us to control our auras so we are more able to live in harmony with the world and others. 

If fox is your power animal, learning to be invisible is very important in your life. Picture yourself blending in with your surroundings, becoming part of everything. 

Fox also teaches good eating habits, as they eat small portions frequently.

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