
Kitchen Witches

What is a kitchen witch?

Kitchen witchery is a unique form of solitary witchcraft, which honours the mundane in life and finds sacredness in every day, simple acts. The kitchen witch finds pleasure and meaning in cooking especially, but also knows the secrets of making housework magical and turning the garden into a source of healing and wonder.

Kitchen witches, as the name suggests, are most likely to be found in the kitchen. But it is not all about hubble bubble on the stove; there is much to be learned from the ways of the kitchen witch, for theirs is an ancient, traditional magic that honours the goddess in her many forms.

So pull up a chair, pour a cup of nettle tea, and watch the embers of the fire as we explore the magical realm of the modern kitchen witch...


What is a Kitchen Witch?

In all honesty, it's not much different from a hearth witch. The difference is that cooking and food is central to a kitchen witch. Just as the hearth witch honors the hearth, the kitchen witch honors what she cooks, preparing meals with nurturing love and a touch of magick. Sometimes these are magick spells, but for the most part they are the meals that she serves her family on a daily basis.

The kitchen witch acknowledges that food is sacred and life-giving. Eating is necessary to life and part of the balance and cycle of nature. Food comes from the Earth, the most natural source of all. When we nurture our bodies with food, we honor the Earth, Divinity, and ourselves. Eating good, wholesome natural food is the best thing we can do for ourselves.

Often a kitchen witch will grow her own garden and use fruit, vegetables, and herbs from that garden. For many kitchen witches that cannot grow a garden for whatever reason, they focus on buying natural ingredients especially from a their local farmer's market. Whether the ingredients are grown in the backyard or bought from a supermarket, the kitchen witch understands what is available seasonally. She also understands that different foods have magickal properties. This does not necessarily mean the kitchen witch is vegan or vegetarian. Some believe the "circle of life" includes eating meat.

Kitchen witchery often looks much like green witchcraft, hedge witchery, and cottage witchery. A kitchen witch is in tune with nature and understands what it means to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle. However, a kitchen witch's expertise often goes beyond simply preparing meals. She is often a skilled herbal healer, candle maker, at crafts, aromatherapy, or able to make natural beauty and cleaning products.

A kitchen witch may celebrate the turning of the wheel by acknowledging the sabbats, but she isn't likely to practice Wicca or formal ritual. Her practice may appear spontaneous and unorganized to others. Some honor Deity while others simply work with nature. She is most likely to practice as a solitary. The kitchen witch uses very few formal tools and instead utilizes that which already exists in the home.  

Some who practice kitchen witchery may not even call themselves witches at all.

(The Magick of Food)


Since I am kinda witch, I believe that the kitchen is sacred and food is magic. I celebrate the fertility of the earth, which I love and thus respect. Tabiti, Ancient goddess, the patroness of fire, the hearth and the beasts, is the one I listen to. I meet wild wise women around a fire, whom I share with and learn from -wisdom and recipes. My main tools are my hands, and my favorite recipients are basic, rustic ones. I consider my wooden spoon to be a wand, and my stove represents fire. To me, cooking a meal is a ritual by itself. Colors, smells, flavors, textures, seasonal ingredients, bold herbs, sassy species, all that glitters is gold and all that sizzles is a party by itself! Planting, growing, nourishing, harvesting, cooking, eating greens and grains, are the circle of Life itself. Nurture your plants and they will nurture you. Good foods are good life.

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