
Birth Animal Totem

Falcons are full of initiative, but often rush in to make decisions that they may later regret. Lively and extroverted, they have enthusiasm for new experiences but can sometimes lack persistence. Those born under the sun sign of the Red Hawk are likely to be adventurous and assertive. Along with creativity, they harbor a desire to be free and unencumbered. Those people closest to them may consider them to be a bit headstrong at times.

Budding Trees Moon: Mar 21 - Apr 19

Birth Moon: Budding Trees
Animal Totem: Falcon
Mineral Totem: Fire Opal
Plant Totem: Dandelion
Directional Totem: Golden Eagle
Elemental Clan Totem: Thunderbird
Affinity Color: Yellow
Personality Traits: energetic, independent, outspoken, enterprising, adventurous, frank, courageous, enthusiastic, imaginative.

Like the falcon, people born during this moon are fearless hunters, always in search for something new. New places, new experiences, and new ideas are their prey.
These people, like their totem, have the ability to reach great heights, though sometimes, however, they can lack the patience, concentration, or persistence to be able to see things through to the end. Although they begin each new endeavor with great enthusiasm, they can easily get bored or distracted and, therefore, will quickly change directions and leap onto the next new thing that comes along, leaving the other endeavor behind never to be finished.
They may have a whole trail of unfinished projects behind them. To combat their tendency towards boredom, Falcon people may have several different projects going on all at once. Even so, they may still eventually lose interest in all of them and dive into something new that piques their interest. Falcon people, therefore, are often good at starting things, but not so good at finishing them.

Fire Opal:
The mineral totem for the Budding Trees Moon is the Opal, or more specifically, the Fire Opal. Opals are formed under a lot of pressure, and therefore can be of assistance to those who find themselves under a lot of stress or emotional pressure.
Opals contain silica, which is also found in the human eye. Therefore, opals can aid in the quest to find clarity and to see the truth. Falcon people are inquisitive by nature, and Opal can enhance one's ability to see deeply into things.
Due to its reflective nature, opals amplify the traits of the one holding it, and so it can strengthen one's good traits (as well as their bad ones!). Falcon people tend to have a fiery nature and a fiery temper. Fire opal can disperse emotional negativity and help one to master their emotions.

Eagle: symbol of Spiritual Energy, freedom, power
The eagle is revered as sacred. Living symbols of power, freedom, and transcendence - high-soaring eagles are believed to touch the face of God. Eagle feathers are a symbol of power and healing.
The eagle teaches us to remain connected to our spiritual realms. Eagles have excellent vision - they inspire true insight that will bring us to a more spiritual place in the universe. It is also said to offer protection from bad energy. The eagle is the symbol of higher spiritual energy.
The eagle also teaches us about patience, perched in a tree for hours on end. An eagle totem will guide you to courage, keen vision, connection with a greater spiritual energy, and the freedom this will bring.

- Sources:

Artemisa (Diana The Huntress) for Aries

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