
April's Full Wind (or Seed) Moon

Jueves 25, 2013.

Remember April's Full Hare Moon or the Moon of Ostara? March 27, 2013. Also known as the Pink Moon/ Egg Moon/ Sprout Moon or "luna de la promesa"... And, of course, as The Alder Moon (Celtic Tree Calendar). It is the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox (Spring Festival).

Today I want to talk about April's magical Full Wind (or Seed) Moon, although there is something wonderfully fey in all April's moons. It could be sighted on the night sky on April 25 this year. I missed the sight of this full moon, but I felt it powerfully while I tried to sleep that night! I even asked my husband whether it was the day 25, but he answered that it was already the day 26 and, thus, I misunderstood the date. Ha made me clear what he meant the following morning, when he also told me that he could not sleep either. My wee Wizard! <3
When I say that I finally missed the sight of this full moon it was because of the wind and the rain. Precisely! It was April's Full Wind (or Seed) Moon! I knew about it this morning; back then, my only acquaintance was that it was the brightest full moon of the year, Wesha Moon (hinduism), the moon of Taurus in Capricorn. Once more, all things are related from North to South, from East to West, and it is a matter of how they tap into each other.

"Look out at the Moon tonight; hopefully, you can see it. If there are clouds, watch the way they move across the Moon's face. Lose yourself in this for a moment. The Moon is far removed from our atmosphere, but sometimes we forget because the wind seems to sweep across its surface. But all is still and calm on the moon. This is a centering ritual for times when things are unsettled - picture yourself like the Moon, Distant from our atmosphere, the wind is far away; you remain untouched." I have always been a Moon Walker.

Winds that blow, far below
Cannot touch, never know
I am safe beyond the reach
of any harm or any breach.
I am calm and I am still
In any wind, come what will.

~ Ember Grant, Llewellyn's Witches' Date Book 2013

Blessed Full Wind Moon everyone!

April's Full Wind Moon is also known as the Seed Moon. Today I know that. And looking back to last Thursay, April 25, I have realized that I planted rosemary in my terrace that windy evening!! I did not know it was going to take place the Seed Moon that night, but I went to fetch my plant (no matter what -- I had my car in the mechanics, and it was half done, but I knew I was utterly determined to go to the food cooperative where they were keeping my rosemary plant since Saturday!) by midday, and planted it in the evening :) Last year it happened the same with the celebration of the Vernal/Spring Equinox and Beltane. My reading of facts: WHAT is meant to be WILL BE, no matter what. ¡Palabra de Bruja!

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