
Vegan, not eggsactly: Ellen DeGeneres reveals she eats eggs

December 2012

During an interview with Ellen Pompeo this week, the Hollywood star comedian and talk show hostess Ellen DeGeneres casually revealed on her TV show (The Ellen DeGeneres Show) that she and wife Portia de Rossi eat eggs from their neighbor's backyard chickens because they're humanely raised, happy chickens:

"We have neighbors who have chickens, and we get our eggs from those chickens because they’re happy, they’re really happy chickens."

She also told Ellen Pompeo that she and Portia hope to raise chickens of their own someday.

Ellen DeGeneres era, hasta ahora, una de las personalidades veganas más famosas e influyentes (Go Vegan with Ellen). El hecho de que haga "trampas" con su dieta "casi" estrictamente vegana, o que haya reconsiderado recientemente su alimentación, posiblemente por miedo a un déficit de la vitamina B12 o una deficiencia diagnosticada de esta vitamina, puesto que la vitamina B12 no se encuentra en alimentos de origen vegetal, lejos de motivar un ataque sobre Ellen, que ha demostrado ser una buena persona, preocuparse por los derechos y el bienestar de los otros animales, promover el veganismo como modo de alimentación y de vida, ha compartido recetas veganas desde su programa y su página web, ha creado un alimento libre de crueldad animal para perros, tiene planes de abrir un restaurante vegano, abre una brecha para el debate en la Vegan Society, al menos para los que no se proclaman veganus evangelicus.

Como apunta, muy sabiamente creo, Laura Serchi en "Almost" Vegan - elephant journal

"Ellen Degeneres has been a terrific [Through a little research, I also learned that Ellen is a spokeswoman for Cover Girl cosmetics, and supposedly,Cover Girl tests their products on animals], yet not-so-perfect advocate for veganim. Let's take her slip as a guidance.
We should hold our ideals in our hearts and minds, but not proclaim to be devout in front of others. It’s a process so let’s be honest as we stay mindful and conscious of our food choices.
Our honesty may offer a comfortable space for others to explore or start their journey of changing their meat-eating to a more plant-based diet."

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