
Happy May Day

Happy May Day... It's about coming together to Celebrate, or bring forth the workers rights.

May Day, also referred to as International Workers' Day, is a holiday with pagan roots that has slowly morphed into a worldwide celebration of worker solidarity.

The popular image of a birch tree branch festooned with colorful ribbons -- the maypole -- hearkens back to a medieval tradition. Back then, May Day involved colorful ceremonies to celebrate fertility and growth. In Celtic, the holiday was called Beltane. In German, it was referred to as Walpurgis. Even as far back as ancient Rome, revelers participated in a spring ceremony called Floralia.
May Day never become a major holiday in the United States; its pagan roots were frowned upon by Puritans, and in modern times it has often been blacklisted as a socialist or communist holiday.
But in fact, its modern incarnation was inspired by an 1886 riot in Chicago.
So whatever way you want to celebrate your May Day
Enjoy you Day ♥

Texto y foto: We The Women Community

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