
Birch Witch Pagan Spring Goddess Who Runs With Fox

Celtic Tree Lore

Fearn – it is the fourth letter in the Celtic Tree Alphabet (Ogham) and means “the alder tree”

Alder Tree - Celtic Moon month - 18th March – 14th April
The first Full Moon after the Vernal (Spring) Equinox is the 4th Moon of the Year, and is called April's Full Moon, Ostara's Moon or the Alder Moon.

Latin name - Alnus Glutinosa

This tree has many associations with the faery realm as it grows near water (where water and land meet) and has red and purple as colour. The colour purple gives it is link to Kings especially the Elf and Faery King. Its elements are fire, earth and water. Whistles made from green Alder wood were used by witches to call forth help from the realm of the other world. The traditional Witch's Broom is made of an ash handle and bristles from birch twigs. Known as sacred trees in Wicca/Witchcraft and the tree of the God’s and Goddesses of fire, forge and smith craft. Alder’s burning qualities have always been prized among metal workers and smiths as it makes excellent charcoal for the forge and potter’s oven.  
Brigit, flaming red-haired (flame-colored foxes are profoundly related to fire-witches, i.e. Circe, the powerful Sorceress and Enchantress with flaming red hair, sometimes been referred to as both a Goddess and a Sorceress _as it is the case with Ceridwen, and Freya, the Goddess of the Witches) Celtic goddess of fire: As a goddess of smithcraft, she governs the forge's fire; the fire of the forge is one of transformation, alchemy and healing. As a patroness of hearth and home, she governs the household fires; she is sometimes depicted with a cauldron, symbolizing inspiration and knowledge. Also she is the patroness of poetry and inspiration, creativity and healing. Variant forms of her name include Brid, Bride, Brighid, Brigit. Brigit was born at sunrise, just before dawn. Alder is a tree also sacred to Astarte.

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