
The Paschal Full Moon

My Mangal Dosha if born on 4 April 1977: Sun in Aries (Mars. emotional nature), Moon in Libra (Venus. mental nature). Axis. Great challenge and struggle. Polar opposites. Balance. Rebirth. Creation. Fertility (creative, prolific). Intuition. Psyche. Femininity. Passivity. Perception. Receptivity (receiving hidden teachings and intuitive messages). Transition. Progression. Emotion. Time. Cycles. Wonder. Illumination. 

Associated to the Magician & Enchantress. Ceridwen and the Sacred Cauldron of Knowledge and Inspiration. The Artist (poet, potter, painter...) And remember as you keep your head in the stars, to also keep your feet on the ground.

aries sun libra moon

Northern tribes call this full moon on March 27, 2013 the Full Crow Moon as the crow’s cawing signals the end of winter. It is also called the Full Crust Moon because melting snow still freezes at night creating a crust on the ground. Last night here on the river, we had a squall pass over, followed by a brief but intense hail storm. Some call this the Full Sap Moon because it’s time when Maple trees can be tapped for their sap. And early settlers called this the Lenten Moon as it signaled the Lent would be ending and Easter would be celebrated at the next Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox (March 21).

Other names for this Full Moon include: Moon of the Winds, Moon of the Snow Blind, Magpie Moon, Sugar/Sugaring Moon, Seed Moon, Basanta Purnima (Hindu name for Spring), Medin Poya (Buddhist name for spring), and the Chaste Moon. Whatever you call this Moon, it is a powerful one, and the first full Moon after the Vernal Equinox, signaling a number of religious dates of significance. For Western Christian traditions, this moon signals the coming of Easter on the next Sunday following this moon.

Easter is always the first Sunday after the Full Moon which happens upon or next after the twenty-first day of March; and if the Full Moon happens upon a Sunday, Easter is the Sunday after.

The Paschal Full Moon can fall in March (Magpie Moon) or in April (Pink Moon) depending on the year. Following these celestial rules, we find that Easter can fall as early as March 22 and as late as April 25.


Libra/Aries Full Moon, Libra Full Moon, Full Moon in Libra, Lenten Moon, Vernal Full Moon, Spring Moon, Paschal Full Moon, Moon of Ostara.


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