
Moon in Libra Sun in Aries

My Mangal Dosha ~ born on 4 April 1977

Sun in Aries, Moon in Libra • Ascendant in Aries, Mars in the Twelfth House • Sun in the First House • Sun Conjunct Ascendant • Venus in the First House • Venus Conjunct Ascendant • Saturn in the Fifth House • Moon in the Seventh House • Moon Opposition Ascendant • Pluto Opposition Ascendant 

The report was generated with the following birth data: born on 4 April 1977 at 6:30 am in Kolhapur, India. 

Your sun sign is Aries. This is the sign in which the Sun is in your birth chart. Your Ascendant is also in Aries, and your Moon is in Libra. 

Partner references which may occur in the text are set for a relationship with a woman. Explanation 

Sun in Aries, Moon in Libra 

You were born with the Sun in Aries and the Moon in Libra. Your individuality is influenced by Aries, which gives you qualities of leadership, creativity, and enterprise, but your personality traits, which come under the influence of Libra, are the opposite of the Arian traits. 

Your image is that of a socially-minded, temperate person, easily influenced by the standards of society. Because of your sixth sense for what people want, you are one step ahead, supplying what is needed before any desire has been mentioned. 

These traits could allow you to initiate and complete projects involving large resources. But there is a running battle between the different sides of your nature. The two poles of your character exert opposing forces, causing indecision. 

As for your dual traits, the position of the Moon in Libra usually checks the aggressive tendencies of Aries. However, Aries usually has sufficient drive and dynamism to spark the more inert tendencies of Libra, the sign of equilibrium. 

The key to your success is to reconcile the force of Aries with the passiveness of Libra. 

Ascendant in Aries, Mars in the Twelfth House 

At the time of your birth the zodiacal sign of Aries was ascending in the horizon. Its ruler Mars is located in the twelfth house. 

Aries is the first sign of the zodiacal belt and its natives seem also desirous of being "first" in all activities with which they happen to be involved. The cardinality of the sign makes you extremely active and capable of displaying ambition, impulsiveness, courage, and boldness in order to satisfy your desire for prominence in the world. 

The general course of your life will be filled with many 'ups' and 'downs' and changes conforming very much with the psychological nature of your temperament. Whether you triumph or not in life depends on your ability to develop your most positive inborn qualities and, simultaneously, exert some control over your less favorable characteristics, such as a lack of prudence, and a certain disregard for the feelings and opinions of others. 

Aries gives a tendency for its natives to be inclined to politics and public work. You should be successful (or at least attempt to be so) in any work or activity that necessitates pioneering ideas and/or a militant disposition. You also appear to have an ardent attitude in any project that somehow or another involves new concepts or original work and in which you are given a position of leadership. One of your problems is that in your love for achievement in novel projects you tend to destroy old concepts and former contributions which would, perhaps, have been useful for your endeavors. Impulsive, critical, despising mean or dubious acts, you will create many excellent friendships but also important enemies. Your life is rich in passion and ardent love. In sexual matters you are quick, aggressive, and to the point. You also are a lover of pleasures, which you feel with a bright, open, and sparkling character. 

Mars, the ruler of your life events, is found in the twelfth house. This position gives the possibilities of an obscure life acting in the shadows. There are dangers of violence surging from occult or disguised enemies that act in the dark. Mars here has one advantage: at a certain point of your life it may become possible to escape from all bonds by acting dramatically, quickly and positively against the restraints imposed by your fate. 

Sun in the First House 

The Sun is in the first house. You are by nature energetic, proud and self-assertive. You project yourself enthusiastically and energetically into all situations. Your naturally outgoing disposition and personable manner usually make a good impression on people. 

Your heightened self-perception puts you in touch with a strong sense of will, and you can manipulate your will to suit your aims and desires in life. This position of the Sun gives the capacity for leadership, for you tend to attract people and to have a strong influence on them when they are with you. 

You do not like to depend on others, but you hold on to your friends, for they are usually pleased to help you when you need it. You are willing to help close friends who are deserving, but only if you know that your efforts will be appreciated. 

You often prefer to work alone. However, this is not your only choice, for you adapt well to working with people as long as you are free to express yourself. With a first-house Sun, there is a tendency to overestimate your own worth, but through repeated contacts with others you will inevitably come to a more realistic appraisal of your abilities and potential. 

Note: The Sun is technically near the end of house 12 and is therefore interpreted in house 1. 

Sun Conjunct Ascendant 

The Sun conjunct the Ascendant shows that you have a great desire for recognition and are creative in finding ways to gain attention. In general you are uncompromising. You have great faith in your ability to rise above any of life's negative circumstances. You know how to use your vast creative resources in a direct assault against any adversary, and you believe that eventually you will succeed. Most often you do, but when challenged by stiff competition you will resort to brute force to demonstrate that you do not give in without a fight. You know how to win friends and influence people, and you use this talent effectively. 

To be truly comfortable in your profession, you need to have a position of some authority over others. 

Venus in the First House 

Venus is in the first house. This is a strong position for Venus, for it adds charm to your personality and gives you an amiable and pleasant disposition. 

You concentrate a great deal on your appearance and even if you are not especially beautiful or handsome, you have a quality of softness and friendliness, which endears you to many. 

You like to keep beauty and grace around you as much as possible. You have a strong affinity with nature and prefer the quiet life of the country to the plastic constructions of city life. 

It is likely that you grew up in an atmosphere of warmth and congeniality. Now it is easy for you to project these same feelings to family and friends, and others often count on you to restore peace in difficult situations. 

You have strong inclinations toward music, art and drama and you may wish to cultivate a form of artistic expression. 

You work very hard to get along with others, and you usually try to win arguments with diplomacy rather than force. You must learn to be self-assertive when necessary and to stand up for your own rights, forcefully if need be. Otherwise, people will not have much respect for you. 

Relationships are important to you, and you often go out of your way to initiate them. It is vital that your associations remain harmonious, because quarrels and disputes affect you adversely. 

Venus Conjunct Ascendant 

Venus conjunct the Ascendant indicates that you have a personable manner and social charm, which win you the approval of everyone you deal with. This is exactly the sanction you seek, for above all, you want to be accepted. You find it easy to make whatever compromises are necessary to get what you desire. However, you may not succeed in convincing everyone that you are only acting the part of the conniver. Regardless of the image you present to observers, underneath the surface is a calculating machine on which you count the advantages and disadvantages of every association or friendship, every social contact and social function. 

You are usually well behaved and refined, but when you can not get what you want, you become extremely aggressive and demanding. 

Learn to tone down your self-seeking and spend some time developing the more substantial talents that will make you worthy of the gifts you seek. 

Saturn in the Fifth House 

Saturn was found in the fifth house at the time of your birth. Circumstances may oblige you to appear humble and patient in connection with love affairs and as a response to obstacles that will come between you and the object of your love. 

It is possible that unless you can exert good control of your temperament, the obstacles can create a response from you that is harsh and severe. You must view these matters in light of the spiritual cause and effect. 

We advise you to be very careful in business speculations and not to become involved in operations that have a risky element. 

You should make an effort to become involved with the various human experiences of love so that your communicative power is increased. You must be sincere with yourself. Secretly you nourish the desire to be involved in human situations, but you apparently have lost the ability to relate to other people. A little more openness and confidence in your loved ones could be a good course to follow. 

Moon in the Seventh House 

The Moon was found in the seventh house at the time of your birth. 

My Mangal Dosha if born on 4 April 1977: Sun in Aries (Mars. emotional nature), Moon in Libra (Venus. mental nature). Axis. Great challenge and struggle. Polar opposites. Balance. Rebirth. Creation. Fertility (creative, prolific). Intuition. Psyche. Femininity. Passivity. Perception. Receptivity (receiving hidden teachings and intuitive messages). Transition. Progression. Emotion. Time. Cycles. Wonder. Illumination. Guardian of the Otherworld (Hare) and keeper of the sacred law (Crow).

Associated to the Magician & Enchantress. The Artist (poet, potter, painter...) And remember as you keep your head in the stars, to also keep your feet on the ground.


See also:

aries sun libra moon (the Moon in Libra opposite the Sun in Aries) 

— pushing us to express ourselves with honesty and authenticity, even if it might shake up the status quo. This energy has the potential to be intense, calling us to consciously choose how we let it manifest — as confrontational or creative.

Libra Full Moon or Full Moon in Libra

the great polar opposites (polarity) struggle (chaos) is the seed (germ) of creation and life

Artemis The Maiden Goddess for Aries. Diana The Huntress.

Northern tribes call this moon, the Full Crow Moon as the crow’s cawing signals the end of winter. It is also called the Full Crust Moon because melting snow still freezes at night creating a crust on the ground. Last night here on the river, we had a squall pass over, followed by a brief but intense hail storm. Some call this the Full Sap Moon because it’s time when Maple trees can be tapped for their sap. And early settlers called this the Lenten Moon as it signaled the Lent would be ending and Easter would be celebrated at the next Sunday after the first full moon after the vernal equinox (March 21).

Other names for this Full Moon include: Moon of the Winds, Moon of the Snow Blind, Magpie Moon, Sugar/Sugaring Moon, Seed Moon, Basanta Purnima (Hindu name for Spring), Medin Poya (Buddhist name for spring), and the Chaste Moon. Whatever you call this Moon, it is a powerful one, and the first full Moon after the Vernal Equinox, signaling a number of religious dates of significance. For Western Christian traditions, this moon signals the coming of Easter on the next Sunday following this moon.

Easter is always the first Sunday after the Full Moon which happens upon or next after the twenty-first day of March; and if the Full Moon happens upon a Sunday, Easter is the Sunday after.

The Paschal Full Moon can fall in March (Magpie Moon) or in April (Pink Moon) depending on the year. Following these celestial rules, we find that Easter can fall as early as March 22 and as late as April 25.


Libra/Aries Full Moon, Libra Full Moon, Full Moon in Libra, Lenten Moon, Vernal Full Moon, Spring Moon, Paschal Full Moon, Easter's Full Moon, Ostara Moon, Hare Moon.


- Final considerations:
http://mrsdarleyspaganwhispers.blogspot.com.es/2013/04/the-seed-moon.html (the moon following the first moon after the vernal/spring equinox)

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