
The Rebellious Daughter

The Rebellious Daughter, by Lucy Campbell

It must be me.. So lucky I was born under the protection of a Dawn Goddess of Death and Rebirth! This indigo girl found her path to the Soul Home <3

she gladdens the day, by Lucy Campbell

How do I see this painting? She (red haired Dawn Goddess Freya) (in opposition to her counterpart bringing in the night) and falcon (one of the animals associated with the Alder Moon and the Norse Goddess Freya was depicted wearing a magical cloak made of falcon feathers, with her "falcon wings" and using her "falcon-shape" in a furious chase, and many scholars believe that her name could well correspond to the word "falcon". It represents Her power to travel shamanically through different worlds and to journey for the messages or Soul Medicine or Shamanic journey work).

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