

I think that I finally got to know my beautiful Goddess/Queen as a Kitchen Witch! Shamanic journey work is one of a lifetime, and it is full of so wondrous adventures.. that come to soothe with their symbolic meanings the Witch's Foot.

Habondia (Anglo-Celtic): In Celtic Tradition, Habonde/Habondia is a witchy Goddess who represents abundance: an abundance of joy, health, prosperity, fertility, luck, magic and healing. A Goddess of Gardening and Horticulture, Hearth and Home, and thus a sister of Brighid. Her distant ancestress is Lilith. Habondia is Queen of the Fairies and Witches. Goddess associated with the Full MoonThe Goddess of the Full Moon is the Mother aspect of the Great Goddess.The Great Mother is seen as having moved through the seasons from the promise of new life in February (Imbolc) to the fulfilment of that promise with the harvest beginning in August. She is invoked during the Earth's most abundant time of the year for harvest and crops (in ancient times, this time of the year was around the Spring/Vernal Equinox and the first Full Moon after the Spring Equinox, which is where the Pagan/Wiccan Spring Festival/Sabbat of Ostara: Festival of the Harvest, and the Moon of Ostara come from, with the symbols of eggs and hares). The sowing of the seed is conception, the sprouting is birth. The plant grows to the fullness of maturity, is one day harvested and eaten, and then its seeds are conceived again. The Goddess of the Harvest's green circle links generations of humans and other animals. She is sometimes known by the title, "Lady of Flowers and Delight." The Goddess Habondia is a combination of Hecate and Diana and was used by much later authors to refer to the Goddess of Witches. She appears to be a beautiful woman with dark braided hair. She wears a golden diadem or circlet with a star on her head, This signifies that she is queen of the fairies. Customarily, people honored Her by dancing around fires and drinking magical ritual brews to purity both body and soul.

"Habonde, bring abundance. Habonde, health and luck bring.
When through my lips this liquid passes, let my soul sing!"

Drink expectantly.

Lighting any fire source honors Habonde and draw Her attention to areas where you feel Her energies are needed. Light a candle or just a match (or light the stove or the fireplace). 

(Patricia Telesco: "365 Goddess: a daily guide to the magic and inspiration of the goddess".)


Habondia Queen of the Faerie Realm

The Cornucopia of Abundance

The Cornuscopia of Abundance, or Horn of Plenty, is a spiral-shaped Horn from which fruits, vegetables, flowers, and grains pour forth in limitless. On the earthy, organic plane, the Cornuscopia is a Symbol that reminds us that Mother Nature perpetually provides us with everything we need to nourish and sustain ourselves. There is always enough. While we are eating a grape, the Goddess is at work growing another grape. If you do not appeal an apple, there is another person who will enjoy it. The inexhaustible bounties of Mother Nature are to be enjoyed by all.
The Symbolism of the Cornuscopia extends to the mental and spiritual realms. In the mental realm, it symbolizes the boundless Abundance of ideas, thoughts, opportunities, choices, imaginings, notions and experiences with which one who wants to seek them in the pursue of one's own Destiny shall be provided. In the spiritual realm, the Cornuscopia symbolizes the infinite supply of Spiritual Guidance which is available for those who seek it and choose to follow the enlightment.

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