
Freya, my Lady

Freya - Goddess of Love and Fertility

The moon sails through the trees.
I call the weeper of gold!
Lady of Sorcery!
I stand before you unafraid.
Keeper of the Brisingamen!
Reveal to me secrets of knot and braid.
Freyja! Moon Goddess! Queen of the Valkyries!
Give me the key to deep magicks...

(from "Moon Magick" by D.J. Conway) 

Freya is the Goddess of love, beauty, fertility, war, wealth, divination and magic. This Goddess belongs to group of Gods and Goddesses known as the Vanir, who were associated with nature, wild places and animals and unseen realms. She's simultaneously a spirit of fertility and death, beauty and war. Freya often manifests as a woman, although as a shaman Goddess she owns a magical cloak made of falcon feathers that enables her to shape-shift into a bird and travel into the Fairy World or Otherworld. She also has the power to transform other people into animals (Circe), which were the familiars of witches, with whom Freya has much in common. Cat, falcon, heron, sparrow, swallow, geese, boar, bear are sacred creatures to the Norse Earth-goddess Freya. Alder and cypress were considered magical trees and also associated to her. 

She is the daughter of Njord and Herta, wich meand she's daughter of Earth and Sea. Freya is identified as a Witch. When she first arrives in Asgard, the Aesir's Realm, she teaches them how to craft charms and potions. It is said that Freya introduced Woden to runes and Shamanism. Also it's said that Völgas and Valkyries were her priestesses.

She travels in a chariot, pulled by two large grey lynxes looking cats, named Bee-gold, wich means "honey" and Tree-gold, "amber". They symbolize Freya's twin qualities of fecundity and ferocity. She rides a boar into battle, as does her brother Freyr.

Friday was named after Old Norse Frigg or Freyja, who was identified with Venus, the Roman Aphrodite (the Greeks called the day "Hemera Aphrodites" or Day of Aphrodite). 

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