
Alder Moon - Goddesses, Witches and Faeries

The Alder is known as the fairy’s tree in Celtic lore, so it’s good for fairy magic. The faeries are said to dance under the trees when they are flowering. Alder wood is often called the wood of the witches or Battle Witch wood, and it was often used to make magical pipes, flutes and whistles for witches to use in sacred rituals or to call for help.

The Alder Moon is the first Full Moon after the Vernal (Spring) Equinox. It is also known as the Moon of Ostara, and it is also the Festival of Freyja. Ostara (Eostre) and Freyja (Freya, Goddess of the Witches) are very much alike, goddesses of spring, dawn and fertility, but Freya's form of fertility is more based on eroticism than reproduction. Girls born under the Moon of Ostara were very much venerated, and their menstrual blood was considered sacred and thus, solemnly recollected and used in magic fertility rites (fertility of the soil is one of the main focuses at Spring fertility rite of Beltane).

Noche menstrual, Emily Balivet

Animals associated with the Alder Moon are Foxes, Bears and the Falcon (Freyja).

People born under the Full Moon are idealists. They may spend a lot of time searching for belief systems that they can relate to. Relationships are important to them and they need to be fully conscious of the effects their words and actions have on others. It is hard for them to find the ideal relationship in this material world and they will often turn to religion or an ideal cause.

Alder's connection with Water and the Fire makes  it a psychically potent tree. The Alder tree is thought to be a gateway to the Otherworld, and wood from the Alder has apparently been used since ancient time to summon spirits from the Otherworld.
The Alder can represent...

*Defence and Protection
*Psychic Abilities
*Pioneering Spirit
*Faerie Contact
*Spiritual Vision
*Blending of Masculine & Feminine energies

Life on the fringes -  Fox lives in the border places around us: in the instants between evening and night, between nighttime and dawn, in the auric energies around our bodies, and in the spaces between waking consciousness and deep sleep. Fox totem is a guide to enter the Faerie Realm: if little Red Fox is your totem or guardian (The Alder Month – Guardian Animal: Fox), she is to lead you into the Home of the Faeries!

Celtic Fox Necklace crafted from Alder - MoonsCrafts

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