
Flames of the Bear Spirit

The Bear is a fierce protector, intuitive, the leader of the animals due to his fearless medicine, and can often manisfest healing.  The bear is a symbol of invincibility, offering a secure refuge for those who enjoy the company of a totem bear spirit guide. 

Some anthropologists say that the Bear was one of the first animals to be revered by humans. Traditional names for the bear include King of the Forest and Grandfather, both of which show the respect that the bear inspires in Traditional Shamanic cultures. And who would not admire the noble bear, strong-willed and powerful, but also with great heart and supernatural powers?

Bear has been a figure in the forefront of many Native cultures. Beliefs state that the power of the Great Spirit lives through the bear, therefore making them highly sought after guides due to their fearless medicine. This belief led to a constellation to be named after it, Ursus Major, The Great Bear.Bear is also associated with the Goddess Artemis.

If you have bear as power animal, you will most probably be quieter during the winter months, which is similar to the bear hibernating during the winter. But in the spring you must awaken to seek whatever opportunities arise. Hibernating during the cold winter months, means bears know instinctively when the time is right and where to go. The Bear hibernates to reconnect with the earth to seek insights within, and emerges with answers to spiritual dilemmas. Be fearless in standing up for what you believe in. You are also encouraged to use your abilities as a natural healer. Bear is linked to trees, considered to be natural antennas, joining the heavens and the Earth.

*The Brown Bear, including the Grizzly bear has powerful life force, and a shaman with a grizzly bear power animal takes on this characteristic, becoming almost invincible when faced with physical or psychic attack. Beware the grizzly’s temper however, the dark side of this power!

El flautista de Hamelin

Estoy dolida, arrepentida, por haber justamente malvendido mis palabras entre dimes y diretes... Si pudiera traerlas de vuelta al corazón de donde salieron hechizadas con palabras que no eran sino el propio eco de su voz, y cerrarlo con cautela la próxima vez... Ahora estarán perdidas. Desearé que sepan mudar la palabra de significado y regresar al sentido de las cosas para seguir aprendiendo a llamar a cada cosa por su nombre.


My Warrior Love

You fight for me to ride the wind. You are the flames for me to be rebirthed every.time, my pure bold.wild.trust fire releasing ceremony, the most sacred ceremony of all ceremonies for me, my precious leitmotiv. My Warrior Love. My wolf-within-the-Wolf bestowed with the Bear Spirit.


El hilo de Ariadna

Otra vez, me arrojo. Al suelo firme, la tierra seca, y los límites del camino. Lejos de lo inabarcable, lo inestimable, de la infinidad de posibilidades, la vastitud. Es mi naturaleza la que me salva, como el hilo de Ariadna a Teseo, y así con mi corazón atado al dedo igual que un globo logro siempre salir del embrollo, el meollo, la morralla, el laberinto donde me adentro en mi afán infatigable e interminable por llamar a cada cosa por su nombre, interpretando señales y trotando tras mensajes que den significado a cada tramo del camino.


Solsticio de Inverno 2011

*El Solsticio de Invierno 2011 tendrá lugar este año el día 22 de Diciembre a las 5:30a.m. en el Meridiano de Greenwich (GMT) (fuente: sunrisesunset.com). Así que si quieres encender tu fuego en la noche más oscura del año, la noche del 21 al 22 de Diciembre sería la mejor.

Deseos de Felicidad y Prosperidad (Yeha-Noha) 
y Celebración del sentido verdadero de las cosas.
¡Feliz Solsticio de Invierno... o feliz Navidad!

Estirpe de Amazonas

Conocí una tribu de Amazonas. Pensé que por ser mujeres en estado puro eran como yo [...] No son como yo. No tienen corazón.

Amazones (Athena) and Horse Totem